Characters, Tuatha Gods & Godesses

Hakon Skadi, Norse Jarl, aka the Dreadlord of Dun Garm
Breanna and Eoin embracing in the woods
Izzy, a Galician Warrior of Destiny, with her katana's
Lotte, Element Druid and Warrior of Destiny from Dal Riata-aka Scottland
Livie, Element Druid, Warrior of Destiny, and Seeress for Breanna

Characters & Places – Destiny Cycle One & Two

Beatha (Kae-Thah) – A prophet or Fáidh near Dun Arrogh, one of the Aos Dána; appears in Novels One, Two, and Three.

Bláth (Blah) – The Master Bard of Dun Uisneach; appears in Novels Two, Three, and Four.

Bradaigh (Bra-daigh) – Bastard son of Hakon Skadi; appears in Novels One, Two, Three, and Four.

Braoin (Breen) – Bastard son of Hakon Skadi; appears in Novels One, Two, Three, and Four.

Breanna Ban Morna (Bree-an-na BawnMor-na) – A Red Branch warrior from Dun Arrogh who is of Clan Dálaigh (Daw-lee)and the daughter of Morna and Nevan; appears in Novels One, Two, Three, and Four.

Brede (Breed) – Dreadrider of Garm and the oldest of Hakon Skadi’s warriors; he is also one of the Norvegr leaders known as Dreadriders; appears in Novels One and Two.

Eoin Mac Cairbre (Owen Mak Car-bree) – Dun Arrogh and Red Branch Chief of Clan Mórdha, cousin of Fergal, and a Prince of the Blood from Uliadia; appears in Novels One, Two, Three, and Four.

Fergal Mac Conall (Fur-gul Mak Koh-nawl) – Dun Arrogh Red Branch warrior of Clan Conall, a subordinate clan to Clan Mórdha (Mur-dha) and cousin of Eoin Mac Cairbre.

Hakon Skadi (Hah-kon Skah-de) – Dreadlord of Garm, son of a Norvegr Jarl, and killer of his father.

Kyras (K-eye-rass) – Dun Arrogh Smith of Clan Dálaigh, brother of Nevan, husband to Lissa, Toal’s father, and Breanna’s uncle; appears in Novels One and Two.

Lang – Dreadrider of Garm, brother of Lunt; appears in Novels One and Two.

Lissa – Wife of Kyras, Toal’smother, of Clan Dálaigh; appears in Novels One and Two.

Lugh (Loo) – Sun God and wielder of Tuatha’s magical Jewels and other items of the Tuatha Dé Danann, sometimes seen as a great white stag in his animal or familiar form known as the stag Cernunnos; appears in Novels One, Two, Three, and Four.

Lunt – Dreadrider of Garm, brother of Lang; appears in Novels One and Two.

Morna Ban Cahir (Mor-na Bawyn Kah-hee) – Wife to Nevan, mother of Orla, Ronat, and Breanna of Clan Dálaigh; appears in Novels One and Three.

Nevan – Warrior husband to Morna, brother of Kyras, and of Clan Dálaigh; referred to in Novels One and Three.

Niall Noígíallach (Nye-al Nee-Gal-ach) – The High Kingin fifth-century Ireland, also known as the Ard-Rì; the ancestor of the Uí Néill dynasties, which governed significant parts of the Emerald Isle for many centuries; his son, Lóegaire MacNéill, followed him as the next High King; referred to in Novels One and Three.

Runa – Norvegr Völva or seeress of Dun Garm, whom the Gaels called a baobh, a fury, a cailleach; to the Norvegrmen, she is their seið-kona; appears in Novels One and Two.

Toal Mac Kyras (Toe-al MakK-eye-rass) – Dun Arrogh Red Branch warrior of Clan Dálaigh, cousin of Breanna; appears in Novels One, Two, Three, and Four.

Ulicia (You-Lee-see-ah) – Healer or Ollamh of Dun Arrogh, one of the Aos Dána; appears in Novels One, Two, Three, and Four.

Characters & Places – Destiny Cycle Three & Four

Bláth (Blah) – The Master Bard of Dun Uisneach and a Warrior of Destiny; appears in Novels Two, Three, and Four.

Bradaigh (Bra-daigh) – One-time bastard son of Hakon Skadi, reborn by the Triple Dáns and a Warrior of Destiny.

Braoin (Breen) – One-time bastard son of Hakon Skadi, reborn by the Triple Dáns and a Warrior of Destiny.

Fergal Mac Conall (Fur-gul Mak Koh-nawl) – Dun Arrogh warrior of Clan Conall, reborn by the Triple Dáns and a Warrior of Destiny.

Izzy – Air and Earth Elemental Druid Healer and Swordswoman from Galicia, and a Warrior of Destiny.

Livie – Water and Earth Elemental Druid and Seeress from Cymru, and a Warrior of Destiny; half-sister to Lotte.

Lotte – Water and Fire Elemental Druid and Spearwoman from Dál Riata, and a Warrior of Destiny; half-sister to Livie.

Tuatha & Other Celtic Gods & Goddesses

Badb Catha (Badh-uv Kae-Thah) –Goddess of Death and Knowledge, commonly called Goddess of War, and the Mórrígan, often taking the form of a battle crow on the earthly plane; appears in Novels One, Two, Three, and Four.

Dagda (Dahg-duh) – All-Father of theTuatha pantheon, Dagda is the God of Life, Death, and Fertility over the land and its people; he is also the first druid and a master of all things magical,often considered wise, witty, and wily. Dagda typically resides on the Tuatha island of Murias; appears in Novels One, Two, Three, and Four.

Danu (Dah-noo) – Mother, Earth, andMoon Goddess of Erin, also known as the Triple Goddess and the Silver Huntress,when she takes her wolf form; she is co-creator with the Dagda of the entirety of the Tuatha Dé Danann pantheon.

Mórrígan (Mohr-ree-gan) – Goddess of War, Fate, and Knowledge, also known as Badb Catha or the Dark Goddess; appears in Novels One, Two, Three, and Four.

Note: For more information on the Tuatha pantheon and their Gaels, there are many online sources, such as Wikipedia, to explore the mythical and historical settings of Ireland that authors have used over the years to engage in fantasy world-building. Likewise, in Britain, with Arthurian myths and legends, as well as Celtic and Roman ones.